Ultimate Cosmic Voyage


The Ultimate Cosmic Voyage follows events on the: "Space Cruiser", which follows the notorious "Reble Ranway" and "Jaan Sechs" in their space misadventures, and the so-called "Galactic Federation", a member pseudostate started by Summit's president, Sean Hendrix, so that the otherwise government owned Kovac space center does not need to adhere to Summitian law while being controlled by Summit. The Galactic Federation's founding encouraged breakaway groups to form "Galactica" and the failed states: the "Spacia Republic", the "Starzone City-Block Empire", the "DynaShip Launchpad 5 Republic", and the "Summitian Under Space Confederacy".

This publication is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

The Space Cruiser

A mysterious but renowned scientist who goes by the alias of "Dr. Ranway" and his crew was slightly known for their studies on other life, colonies, and outposts, and their work to decode QEC transmissions. However, everything changes one day for Ranway when they encounter a group wanting to create a single centralized government he discovered has plans to take over numerous colonies and outposts.

The Galactic Federation

The Galactic Federation is the first known central government, and is well known by many for protecting the Law and Order of it's citizens. Unfortunately, they are currently fighting against a known terrorist and madman known by the alias "Reble Ranway". The Federation's leaders has worked with numerous colonies and outposts who were willing to help the hunt against Ranway in exchange for necessary supplies and protection by the citizen's military.

All acts & scenes:

Anton McClure / anton@nonpaged.com